This video would guide you through the Motion To Compel in CompHub Work Portal.
Death & Funeral Benefits Instructions
This is to guide you through the Death & Funeral benefits Process.
When you first begin the Death & Funeral benefits process you have the option to select one of two filing options:
"Dependents Claim for Death Benefits" and
"Claim for Funeral Benefits Only".
Depending on what your selection is, CompHub may dynamically display additional fields.These Start Forms are likely the most extensive in CompHub.
Death Claims can become complex right from the get go and this process is heavily reliant on business rules defined by COMAR and subject extensive validation before reaching Claims. To that end, a link to view/download the instructions is embedded directly on the form
If the Dependent's Claim for Death Benefits is chosen, CompHub will display a new section called Required documentation and additional selections will appear and options will become mandatory .
Any field marked with red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
If there is an existing Death Claim, users can also add required documentation through this process, these additional documents will be approved by the Claims Division before being added.
User Submission: The Death Claim Form(s) are some of the most extensive throughout CompHub. Downloading the instructions and working through the form section by section will result in a successful filing.
The instructions in their entirety can be viewed, printed or downloaded using the link.
Fill out the Deceased Information section (Data will prepopulate if linked to an existing W-claim)
Enter the Filing Party information, you can specify your status as a dependent here if applicable.
Enter the Employer if not already populated.
Use the Death Claim information section to enter information regarding the cause of death.
Dependents may be added using the "Dependents Information" table.
Don't forget to attach any required documentation.
Claimant Change of Address Instructions
This is to guide you through Claimant Change of Address Process.
The Claimant Change of Address process allows a user from the Claimant or Claimant Attorney Role to change the Claimant's listed address on a Claim or Claims. To change the address on file, use the Update Profile process.
Select the Claim(s) using the checkbox controls.
Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
Enter the new address and use the Verify Address utility.
Don't forget to Certify and Sign!
If the new Address is found to be a match with the Attorney's address, the Attorney must provide written justification.
Request for Claim Access Instructions
This is to guide you through Request for Claim Access Process.
In order to facilitate proper medical care for an injured worker, a Healthcare Practitioner may request access to the Claim. This access lasts for 180 days if approved. Let's take a look at how these are received in CompHub.
Rudimentary Claim Information is displayed to the Healthcare Provider.
Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
Use the Provider Organization table to add records. Click the plus icon and search for the organization(s).
Enter the justification for your request.
Sign and certify the submission and submit it to the Commission. Note: The additional statement informing the user that if approved the request is only valid for 180 days, after which they will have to submit a new request.
After successful processing, CompHub will display the Claim Access Request PDF for you to view, print,and/or download.
Change of Venue
This video would guide you through the Change of Venue in CompHub Work Portal.
This is to guide you through Request a Transcript from the given Claim.
A user that is a party to a Claim can Request a Transcript from the given Claim. (Users that are not a party will file using the Transcript Subpoena form)
Select the Hearing you are requesting a transcript from. All hearings for the Claim are available for selection in the table
Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
Indicate whether or not the Order issued as a result of the respective hearingis being appealed.
Don't forget to Sign & Certify your submission!
Settlement Request
This video would guide you through on how to start a Request for Settlement.
This is to guide you through Circuit Court Order Submission Process.
The Circuit Court Order Submission process allows a party to upload the Circuit Court's Decision and specify additional supporting information.
Review the Claim information listed on the form for accuracy.
Specify if the Claim is remanded from Circuit court using the checkbox.
Select the Circuit Court Decision using the drop-down.
The "Circuit Court Information" section is used to enter the Circuit Court Address, Order Date, upload the Order, and enter comments.
Instructions to Appeals
This is to guide you through Appeals Submission Process.
The appeals process begins with a user completing the new electronic Petition for Judicial Review form.
Select the "Appeal Type" and enter the "Petition Date". Note: That certain Appeal types may require an additional "Appeal Subtype" selection". Note: Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
Attach the Petition document to the submission. The Commission will review the document once the submission is received.
Enter any relevant comments that will expedite the processing of the case or otherwise support your submission.
Don't forget to Certify and Sign! Check the appropriate boxes on the left side.
Instructions to Vocational Rehabilitation Registration
This is to guide you through Voc Rehab registration Process.
The Voc Rehab Registration process allows a Practitioner to complete Multiple use cases; Complete a new application, Complete a renewal application, Withdraw an Application, and Update their info.
Select the application type and click/tap Continue to open the proper form(s).
If you have selected the "New Application". Please provide all the required details. Note: Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
Don't forget to Certify and Sign! Check the appropriate boxes on the left side.
Please fill the Voc Rehab Quiz form.
If you have selected the "Renewal Application". Please provide all the required details.
This is to guide you through Voc Rehab Application Withdrawal Process
The Withdrawal Application option allows the user to withdrawal their application by providing a reason, Support Services must then process the case by completing the "Remove Practitioner" form.
Once you have selected to Withdraw their submission you will be prompted to provide a reason.
Please provide the appropriate reason for Withdrawal.
Request for Modification Instructions
This is to guide you through Request for Modification Process.
The Request for Modification form is the start of the streamlined electronic process, filing new issues is streamlined and automated where applicable.
Enter the Order Date using the datepicker and select a justification using the textbox. Note: Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
- If "The Claimant'spermanent disability hasincreased" is chosen, the 'Worsening' issue will be auto selected.
- If "The Claimant'spermanent disability hasdecreased" is chosen, the 'Betterment' issue will be auto selected.
File any additional issues using the fully integrated Issues form (Not all issues pictured, see user manual for full list)
Add any attachments and then its time to Sign & Certify.
Once the system finishes processing the submission, you will receive an electronic notification via email.
Emergency Hearing Request
This video would guide you through on Emergency Hearing Request in CompHub Work Portal.
This is to guide you through Voc Rehab 30-Day Progress Report.
The 30-day progress report can be submitted in it's entirety in CompHub. The electronic form is responsive and comprehensive. Once you're finished CompHub will generate the Progress Report for you!
Review the Claim Information and Adjuster Information for Accuracy. Enter the Referral Date and specify employment.
Complete the Progress Report using the textboxes,datepickers, and other controls available to you.
Attach your documentation using the "Upload Required Documents section". Note: Any field marked with Red means mandatory information and needs to be completed.
Don't forget to Certify and Sign! Check the appropriate boxes on the left side.
CompHub will generate the 30-Day Progress report for you to view, print, and/or download the document.
Create or Manage Set With
This video would guide you through on Create or Manage Set With in CompHub Work Portal.
This is to guide you through Issues Request Process.
One of the first noticeable changes to the Issues process users will notice is the C40 automation and consolidation with Issues. In the case on Insured claims the Insurer and Insurer Attorney may complete the C40 and file Issues. On uninsured Claims Attorneys representing the Employer, SIF, UEF, may complete the C40 and file Issues. A process activity will automatically be generated.
Clicking 'Complete C40' will take the user into the Issues form with the Response to Claim (C-40) section amended on with all of the applicable choices.
This is to guide you through Raising Issues process
Issues are selected via the checkbox controls, the available issues will differ by the the participant type in the underlying Claim.
Certain options like Duplicate Claim and Proper Employer/Insurer will lead CompHub to display dynamic fields for additional entry.
This is to guide you through Raising Issues Cont.
Proper Insurer.
Proper Employer.
This is to guide you through Withdrawing Issues Process
Filing and Withdrawing issues are consolidated through the Start Form. In order to Withdraw all issues filed, you simply need to select Withdraw Issues and create the case. Keep in mind withdrawing issues may have implications.
Use the Start Form to specify a Claim and select the Withdraw Issues checkbox.
CompHub Generates the Withdrawal Issues document to view,print,and/or download.
Enter Withdraw Appearance
This video would guide you through on Enter withdraw appearance in CompHub Work Portal.